Hello, everyone! Miriam here, the person behind the lens at M.V. Photography. Welcome to my blog. This is a new place where I will share content about my current weddings, portrait shoots, photography tips, and everything in between. For my first post, I want to introduce myself. So, here are 10 things about me that you may or may not know.
I am a lefty! So, if you ever want to put a smile on my face, just buy me left-handed notebooks, scissors, and so on. It’s the little things! LOL. Also, by nature, I used to hate the wooden school desks that were made right-handed. Fellow lefties, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about!
I love coffee and trying out new coffee shops. I don’t start my day without a cup. Who else can relate? My go-to drink at a coffee shop is a vanilla latte or a flat white.
I am a keen organizer. I am one of those people that will arrange business cards and flyers at businesses’ front desks when they aren’t looking. Am I the only one that does that? Okay. I’d like to think that my perfectionism is a trait I can use positively in my business to give my clients the best service. Always have to look at the bright side of things, right?
I absolutely love the outdoors. I love running, jogging, hiking, etc. through trails and parks. Anytime I have a chance to explore a national park, I jump right to it.
I used to be a cross country runner. I loved it. I didn’t love the 5:00 a.m. summer practices but I wouldn’t trade them for anything now. Running long distance teaches you discipline that I didn’t even know I needed at that age. ALWAYS KEEP GOING. I am sure that quote has helped me through life more times than I can count on my hands. By the way, go Dayton Broncos! (Lol!)
I love comic books and anything superhero related. I would not complain one bit if I had to dress up as a superhero every year for Halloween for the rest of my life. Starting with Wolverine! (Still haven’t found a perfect woman Wolverine costume. If anyone has any ideas on where to find one, I would truly appreciate it. Thanks.)
My favorite color is green. My husband’s favorite color is also green. He is of Irish descent and loves the Boston Celtics. Yes, I know, cheesy but how perfect. Amirite?!
My favorite food is my mother’s Mexican cooking. Not a specific dish but everything that she makes, especially her red enchiladas and her chicken soup made from scratch.
My first car was a Ford Mustang. Not a Ford Mustang GT or anything of the sort, more like the V6, cloth interior, faded paint, and a dent on the side, type of Ford Mustang. I loved that thing. It was all mine and I worked hard for it.
Last but not least: I never pictured myself being a photographer (see what I did there?), but life tends to do that to you sometimes, doesn’t it? I can’t imagine my life without photography now. Being able to keep memories alive with photographs is remarkable. I believe every moment is precious and we should do all we can to preserve each one, especially moments you can never experience again. That’s why I strive to serve my clients as well as possible. My goal is for them to treasure every one of the photos I deliver to them. Maybe not right away or a year from that moment, but for them to look at the photos in the future with a smile on their faces.
That’s it, friends! If you have made it this far, thank you for reading. I would love to hear about YOU in the comments below, or if you can at least relate to any of these. See you all soon in the blog posts to come!
Wow Dear Miriam. This is probably the most witty n straight forwarded blog I have ever read. It’s an eye opener and a sneak peek into your life.
As a left handed person I am sure you v had your share of people correcting you all the time especially wen u eat/write etc. My cousin is left handed n she gets corrected all the time 😢
Btw I didn’t know scissors in the market were made for right handed people. I guess I thought it was made for all.
I am so excited to know you share my craze for coffee. I cant live without the cuppa in the morning n in the evening. One addiction I can’t seem to break free from. N I do feel super guilty. If you have any ideas
do share.
Let me add… You are such a dedicated young woman. You put your heart and soul into your work. Your works are perfect. You have taken extreme care and put loads of detailing in your pictures. Every piece is in place. It’s like fine Art.
Each picture speaks a 1000 words literally. You capture moments intricately.
You are a perfectionist and I understand that.
Wen I go to the Stationary section and see pens n pencils misaligned my head spins. So I start rearranging the pieces. My daughter is worse than me. She is into detailing n she turned 23 today. I m really proud of her n definitely of you too.
I don’t want this to be longer than yours. 🤣🤣God Bless you all. Keep up the fine work
Wow Dear Miriam. This is probably the most witty n straight forwarded blog I have ever read. It’s an eye opener and a sneak peek into your life.
As a left handed person I am sure you v had your share of people correcting you all the time especially wen u eat/write etc. My cousin is left handed n she gets corrected all the time 😢
Btw I didn’t know scissors in the market were made for right handed people. I guess I thought it was made for all.
I am so excited to know you share my craze for coffee. I cant live without the cuppa in the morning n in the evening. One addiction I can’t seem to break free from. N I do feel super guilty. If you have any ideas
do share.
Let me add… You are such a dedicated young woman. You put your heart and soul into your work. Your works are perfect. You have taken extreme care and put loads of detailing in your pictures. Every piece is in place. It’s like fine Art.
Each picture speaks a 1000 words literally. You capture moments intricately.
You are a perfectionist and I understand that.
Wen I go to the Stationary section and see pens n pencils misaligned my head spins. So I start rearranging the pieces. My daughter is worse than me. She is into detailing n she turned 23 today. I m really proud of her n definitely of you too.
I don’t want this to be longer than yours. 🤣🤣God Bless you all. Keep up the fine work